In early January 2016, a local resident, Wilfred Magnan, mailed a postcard to some, but not all, Sage Port homeowners titled “Your Property Rights are at risk – again”. The postcard and his referenced website make claims and accusations that are harmful, misleading and complete falsehoods.
Mr. Magnan claims to have been appointed to the Sage Port ACC in 2007. However, Mr. Magnan failed to mention that the two individuals who supposedly made his appointment resigned from the Sage Port ACC in 1987, twenty years earlier. Those who made the supposed appointments had no authority to do so. Mr. Magnan is not, and has never been, Chairman of the Sage Port ACC.
The Board thanks the members of the SPHOA for their continued growing support. We encourage everyone to come to our Annual Meeting as well as our monthly Board Meetings to learn more about the good works that are going on in our community. We are excited to serve our friends and neighbors and look forward to a welcoming environment and hold true to keeping “unity” in our community.