Chipping & Fire Mitigation Program

Sage Port HOA (SPHOA) 2025 Chipping – Saturday, June 7, 2025

In an effort to clean up our neighborhood and promote Wildfire Mitigation, the SPHOA will again sponsor one chipping day in 2024, scheduled for Saturday morning, June 7, 2025 with Coalition for the Upper South Platte (CUSP) performing the chipping. Those wishing to participate should sign up by May 30, 2025.

Under the SPHOA Chipping Program, the chips are left on the homeowner’s property and we count on each homeowner to help load their own slash pile as well as their neighbor’s. This is a great opportunity to help each other out and meet some of your neighbors.

Cost Information:

  • For members of the Sage Port HOA (SPHOA) who have paid their 2025 SPHOA dues, there are no additional charges to participate in the chipping day, unless you do not assist on the day of chipping.
  • For those not members of the SPHOA, the cost is $50, and payment must be received prior to chipping day. To clarify, if your property is not in Sage Port Filing 2 nor 6A, you would not be a member of the SPHOA, and you must pre-pay $50 to participate on chipping day.
  • If you sign-up but do not assist on chipping day, there will be a $100 loading fee. This $100 loading fee must be prepaid and received prior to chipping day.

Guidelines for Cutting, Collecting and Piling Slash:

  • Do not pile high! The best way is to “run-it-out” in a long low pile.
  • Place in an accessible area along the roadway making sure traffic or the safety of traffic is not hampered.
  • No branches larger than 12” in diameter.
  • It is not necessary to section up the tree, just cut it in lengths that can be handled easily by one person.
  • Stack slash piles with large cut ends of the branches pointed toward the street.
  • Saw branches to avoid “Y’s” at the butt of the branch that can jam the chipper. If you don’t think that your branch with limbs on it will feed into the chipper, then cut the branches off until it will fit.
  • DO NOT put out roots, stumps, weeds, lumber, trash, branches with dirt caked on them, or raked up needles and pine cones. Rocks, dirt, nails, screws, etc. can be hiding in these materials and will damage the chipper. None of these items will be accepted.
  • When locating your slash pile, keep in mind where you will want the chips deposited and don’t put any slash in front of that spot.  The chips can be left in a pile or distributed over an area at the roadside.


This community chipping event is meant to assist homeowners in mitigating wildfire risk in the area.  This program will NOT chip downed trees that have been cleared to make room for the construction of a dwelling.
